When the Weekend Goes Sideways: Radical Acceptance

Today, you were going to get a short pitch for how proud I was of my newest book. I worked on it mainly in secret for about six weeks and between all of my social media, this blog, my website and general goodwill, this weekend was going to be glorious. Nope. The universe decided it…

New Trauma Book Featuring My Story Available Today for 99 Cents

After writing three books in the three years, I decided at some point in late 2020, after my most recent book didn't do very well in sales, that I'd take an extended break from writing. Behind the scenes, as I transitioned into being a coach, I also was transitioning away from being a freelance writer…

The Greatest Book Review In The History of Mankind

Yes, I know that I'm getting a little lazy utilizing Instagram reposts and calling them blog posts, but sometimes if you want to provide content, you've got to double-up. When this book review came out this week, I couldn't believe my eyes. I have since tracked down Sue and thanked her very much for this…